
It’s amazing… in my head when I’m nowhere near my computer I can think of 20 things to write here. The words and feelings flow like a raging waterfall. I can’t even contain the creativity flowing from my 86 billion celled brain. How do they even estimate that number of cells? I mean it’s like not looking at a clear glass jar filled with jelly beans. They better have some scientific way they figure that out. And does it matter? Oh yes… gray matters! Lol, I just made a really stupid joke, but oh well.

What really gets me is that when I do get myself sitting pretty in my chair about to write something, that lovely organ of a brain just draws a blank. Total blank. I have suddenly forgotten or can’t conjure together any of those brilliant thoughts. Maybe I should start audio recording them so I don’t forget. Yes, that is what I’ll do. I promise, I’ll write something worth a read. It’s coming.


Random thoughts


Oh the days…